Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Children are precious in the sight of God! Throughout the Bible, we see how God is a God who cares about the training of children, and it's a priority to Him. He has called us as Christian families to bring up our children in His ways (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). However, he has not made each of our families an island unto themselves, but has rather brough us into His family, His people. Our God is One who has worked throughout history toward His people through covenants, and as the church, we are His covenant people because of Jesus Christ. For this reason, we take our promises seriously as a Covenant people to assist parents in the spiritual nurture of their children. We desire to surround our families and their children with the prayers, support and ministry that the Scriptures call us to. We want our children to know and be known in our church family. So how do we do this?
Sunday Mornings
One avenue of Christian nurture to assist parents is our nursery. CCC members serve on a rotating basis to share in the loving and caring of our little ones. We strive to provide a safe, clean and loving environment for babies and young children during both Sunday School and Worship Service. Parents are also welcome to keep their children in the Worship Service with them. For our nursing mothers, we also have a private room for you to care for your children as they need you!
Children's Sunday School
This is an essential part of our children's ministry. Gifted and committed adults give instruction to our children about God and His plan to redeem people through Jesus. All classes involve age-appropriate activities which including singing, doing crafts, reading stories from the Bible, and praying together. Sunday School occurs for our families each week from 9:30am till 10:15am.
Children's Church
In our Children's Church, Preschoolers learn about God through singing songs together and receiving age-appropriate teaching from Session-approved adult members of our church. As we train our children to worship, we release 3-5 year olds mid-way through our worship service. Parents are encouraged to keep their children in worship if they desire. This discipleship opportunity is offered during our 10:30am Sunday Worship.
We are committed to providing the safest space that we can for our children to grow and thrive, and toward this end there are specific protections that we put in place. Your children will need to be checked in weekly by a parent or guardian and won't be released unless that same parent or guardian has a check-out sticker. This is not to complicate things, but rather to serve our children well. If there are question about children's ministry, do not hesitate to ask using the form below and we will do our best to answer your questions and concerns.