Featured Events
Each month, we'll feature events here that you won't want to miss!
Check back to stay in the know!
Check back to stay in the know!

March 9 - Fellowship Dinner
Come join us as we worship in song with Commandment 11. Bring a dish to share with 6 to 8 people and enjoy the fellowship!
Come join us as we worship in song with Commandment 11. Bring a dish to share with 6 to 8 people and enjoy the fellowship!

March 28 - 30 - Church-Life Conference
"Make Your Calling and Election Sure" 2 Peter 1:10
Come join us for our Church-Life Conference that will focus on living out our salvation where we live, work, and play both personally and corporately!
"Make Your Calling and Election Sure" 2 Peter 1:10
Come join us for our Church-Life Conference that will focus on living out our salvation where we live, work, and play both personally and corporately!