
Growing  together.

A student ministry committed to the work of making and deploying mature and equipped followers of Jesus who are bringing the Good News of the Gospel into the various places that God has put them right now!

Welcome: We're glad that you're here! Most people don't come here by accident. Unless you're interested in ministry to students, this is just another page on a website. It matters to us that you're here and students have tremendous value to our church! So, because of that, we're devoting a whole page to students and our ministry to them!

THE SHORT VERSION: We exist to point our students to Jesus Christ so that they would love and pursue him for life! This is our motivating passion and it informs how we teach Sunday School, what we do in our ministry times, and what we do corporately for fun. Won't you join us?  

High  School  Summer  Camp 

Middle  School  Summer  Camp 

July 8-13, 2025

Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, FL

July 21-25, 2025

Ridge Haven Conference and Retreat Center in Brevard, NC


THE LONG VERSION: Student ministry is a sticky business. On the one hand, many people desire to see a really fun and vibrant ministry that outpaces the world in attracting young men and women to God. However, that's not the scriptural model that we see for ministry at all. In fact, the scriptural picture of ministry comes from places like John 6:68. In this passage, as many leave from following Jesus as a result of the hard words that he speaks to them, Peter exclaims that there is no other place the he and the disciples can go, for in his own words, "You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God." (ESV) However, we also understand that God created and designed us to live in relationships with others that are vibrant and joy-filled, and even, dare we say, fun! So we aim to have fun and fill up our times with the best opportunities for fellowship and joy that create lasting memories.

This student ministry at Christ Community Church seeks to do both of these things well: to point students to the Holy One who has the words of Eternal Life, and in encountering him, our prayer is that the entire trajectory of their life changes! Will there be joy and fellowship and fun in the process? Absolutely! But most of all, our prayer for you, for your students, for your friends and neighbors who are 6th-12th grades, is that you'll come to know Jesus Christ more and more deeply and that will forever alter the course of your life on earth and your eternity! So why don't you join us toward this great end?

Our student ministry is built upon a tremendous team of Godly adult men and women who have committed their lives and time to serving our students as small group leaders. It's a well documented fact that students who have more meaningful engagements with adults in the church are more likely to stay involved in the church as they grow up. We believe that multigenerational ministry has tremendous value, and that's why we have older and wiser men leading our younger men, and older women who are mature and Godly leading our young ladies. Small groups really matter, and so that's the main content of our Sunday Evening SPUR group time as we take the words of Hebrews 10:24-25 seriously which exhorts us to SPUR one another on toward Godliness for His glory and our eternal good.   

Sunday  Morning 


Sunday School Class is in the CCYouth Room

Sunday  Afternoon

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Spur groups meet each Sunday evening in the
 CCYouth Room 

Important  Forms  for  you!

Do you have questions or concerns about Student Ministry? Do you just desire to get on our contact list? Fill out the form below to get started.


For Parents: If you grant permission, our staff and volunteers may reach out to our students occasionally for spiritual encouragement and wise relational development (in accordance with our ministry policy which we are glad to share with you). If you will allow this kind of contact from our staff and volunteers to your student directly, please indicate below by marking the boxes below and providing your signature. Our minor contact policy can be found here.