The J.O.Y Fellowship Community at Christ Community Church is active and growing! These seasoned saints are involved in serving the church, fellowshipping with one another, and scheduling off-campus events on a regular basis. We value the experiences that this group brings to the church as we do life-on-life with one another, "Living Out Our Callings".
If you would like to become involved in this ministry or just want more information,
please fill out the form below.
If you would like to become involved in this ministry or just want more information,
please fill out the form below.
J.o.y. Fellowship Service Opportunitues
If you have not signed up to serve on one of these “Teams”, please pray and consider how the Lord might use your talents and gifts. If everyone participates it makes the load a lot lighter and enjoyable in the long run.

Helping Hands . . .
will help and assist the Deacons with small tasks or repairs. Also to offer transportation when members cannot drive themselves, i.e. (having a procedure done and cannot drive themselves) (sick and cannot get out to get groceries or medications) etc. Ladies may also help with this service.

Adopt a Shut-In . . .
team will stay connected with our homebound or temporarily restricted to-home members by calling, sending cards, text messages, and visits. (Think of what might comfort you if you were confined to home permanently or temporarily).

Note Card Ministry . . .
is sending handwritten notes or cards to CCC members who need encouragement. Review the prayer requests weekly and send notes as needed.

Meal Prep Response Team . . .
will come together occasionally as needed to prepare casseroles to be frozen for those times when someone among our JOY Fellowship members might need a little something to get them through a day or two. This will be fun to get together and prepare these meals.

Transition Response Team . . .
will be responsible for gathering resources for members who are going thru times of transition like the loss of a spouse, needing to relocate to residential care or downsizing. Brochures, books, info from attorney, assisted living, end of life materials, etc.

Event Planning Team . . .
will be for our quarterly get-togethers in February, May, August & November. Luncheons, excursions, etc.

Off-Campus Trips & Entertainment Team . . .
will plan 2–3-day overnight excursions or longer trips for those who want to participate. We realize that all cannot go on overnight trips but encourage you when you can.
Interest and Inquiry Form
We are excited that you are interested in getting information about our active J.O.Y Fellowship! Please give us some of your details and questions below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.