
Growing  together.

A student ministry committed to the work of making and deploying mature and equipped followers of Jesus who are bringing the Good News of the Gospel into the various places that God has put them right now!



Sunday School for Students in 6th-12th grades meets in the youth room each Lord's Day from 9:30-10:15 AM. We're currently studying chronologically through the prophets to see what God said to his Prophets to pass on to his people!
SPUR Groups are a huge part of our ministry at CCC. We have a large number of mature and faithful adults who invest their lives continually into our students. SPUR groups are age and gender specific so that the purpose is deep growth in holiness. We always eat first, so come hungry and leave full: body and soul!


JULY  8-13, 2024

We'll be going back to RYM's High School Florida Camp this year for another week! This is always a tremendous week in the life of our student ministry. Few details have been released, but the cost is $350 per student for those who are involved in our ministries regularly! If you're inviting a friend, the cost is $550.

JULY  22-26, 2024

We'll be going back to RidgeHaven again this year for a tremendous week in God's Word. This is a fantastic first experience for your new camper or veteran camper alike as they have a packed schedule and lots to do from morning until night! Plan to be there! $225 for students involved in our ministry, and $325 for friends!

Important Forms

Do you have questions or concerns about Student Ministry? Do you just desire to get on our contact list? Fill out the form below to get started.

Students: do us a favor and have your parents give us permission for direct contact with you.
*digital submission will be verified

For Parents: If you grant permission, our staff and volunteers may reach out to our students occasionally for spiritual encouragement and wise relational development (in accordance with our ministry policy which we are glad to share with you). If you will allow this kind of contact from our staff and volunteers to your student directly, please indicate below by marking the boxes below and providing your signature. Our minor contact policy can be found here.